The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91389   Message #1737788
Posted By: Joe Offer
11-May-06 - 02:16 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Three Little Angels
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Three Little Angels
Hi - can you give us what you know of the song lyrics?
-Joe Offer-
The one we have posted here is this one:

Thread #11190   Message #152614
Posted By: campfire
27-May-99 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: Counting Songs
Subject: RE: Counting Songs
Ah yes, Night Owl - I remember that one too, now.

There's also:

Three little angels, all dressed in white
Tried to get to Heaven on the end of a kite
The Kitestring broke and down they all fell
Instead of going to Heaven, they all went to

Two little angels......

One little angel.... Instead of going to heaven, they all went to

Three little devils, all dresses in red
Tried to get to Heaven on the end of a thread
Thread-string broke and down they all fell
Instead of going to heaven they all went to

Two little devils....

One little devil, all dressed in red
Tried to get to Heaven on the end of a thread
Tread string broke and down they all fell
Instead of going to Heaven they all went to BED!
