The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91322   Message #1737795
Posted By: pavane
11-May-06 - 02:39 AM
Thread Name: Create a Music Score and Midi Software
Subject: RE: Create a Music Score and Midi Software
Just saw your post, MaineDog.

It is written in VB5, but also uses some 3rd party controls for MIDI capture and immediate play. Doesn't need them for standard play mode, because it writes a complete MIDI file and sends it to the MCI control.

I don't think it would run under WINE, but maybe I could produce a WINE-compatible version by taking out those bits?

It also makes use of a number of Windows API calls, which would have to be checked for compatibility with WINE. Does anyone have a list of compatibility issues? Since they are standard WINDOWS functions, it may be that they are already emulated (I know, WINE Is Not an Emulator!)

It would be a great help if a WINE expert could assist me.