The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90212   Message #1738063
Posted By: Santa
11-May-06 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: Folk song in Orkney
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
Well, I spotted the Wrigley Sisters' cafe on the way in from the airport, so that was a good start. The archeology was superb, weather was fine (a bit of wind and one morning's rain). Wildlife spotted included an orca pod off the Tomb of the Eagles.

What we didn't get to was that Saturday night session - but as it turned out that was just as well. On arrival at the airport I waited for the bags whilst Mrs Santa wandered off to look at the craft ads. Came a call - "I know that jewellery!" From a contact at the Durham Folkworks, some years ago. So we were off to Fluke Jewellery on the Thursday, via Maes Howe, Skara Brae, etc.... Yes, it was the same jewellery, a whale's tail, but whilst Roger was more than welcoming Jo was not in. "Ring tomorrow, she'll be upset at missing you." So the call was made, and the urgent message passed back that for the first time ever a singaround was being organised at the Wrigley's that very night.

It was a great night. Many thanks to all who sang: Bruce, Sarah-Jane, Emma and their mother, Robert, Billy, Jan and Sonia, Jo and Meg. If I've missed anyone I'm sorry - but not as sorry as we would have been had we turned up on Saturday night and been told "Oh, you should have come yesterday!" So it is special thanks to Jo and the advertising boards at Kirkwall airport.

Orkney is now so much lighter by the removal of silver that it has probably floated further north, and the hoard did provide a diversion for the baggage checker at Aberdeen - how come it went through Kirkwall with no trouble?