Ahh Dick, thanks for the feedback. If you're still around, Heather Upfield in Edinburgh says hello.I wish it were simpler here. One problem for me is that by getting to know about 30 Mudcatters fairly well, two things happened. Number one: I would easily get protective when someone I liked was attacked. I (and others) would quickly respond in kind to the nasty one, knowing full well that would only encourage them. Number two: I've become increasingly open about my personal beliefs, joys, sorrows and idiocyncracies. I simply found a community that interested me for the most part. Not something that I'd found before in the mainstream world. It's not like chatting to folks who share your hobby, ie: baseball, Shakespeare, stock trading etc. It's the folk music "thing". It's a "lifestyle" and this is the only community of it's kind that I can visit without traipsing across several countries (which I'm trying to cut down on). I've invested heavily in this community, and even though I feel it's become much too broad (and reflects that mainstream, that doesn't really interest me) it's difficult to leave..but getting harder to stay.