The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17816   Message #173850
Posted By: GUEST,DeeAnn
05-Feb-00 - 02:18 AM
Thread Name: Should registration be required or not?
Subject: RE: Should registration be required or not?
For what it's worth, I'm a registered 'newbie' who has only posted one time but visited often. Each time I've entered Mudcat I've been thoroughly discouraged to participate in any way, due to the nature and severity of some of the postings. I come looking for lyrics, music, information and a little comraderie, but I keep backing out quietly and asking myself if I really want to subject myself to such abuse. The answer is always no! So once again I leave in disappointment, hoping the next time I decide to visit things will be better.

DeeAnn Lurking since October 1999