The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91426   Message #1738565
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
11-May-06 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge: Roo Poo Paper
Subject: Song Challenge: Roo Poo Paper
No - I'm NOT making this up!

Actually, recycling roo poo is very suitable for making paper, something about the fibres being the right length, etc, and paper is made all around the world from similar sources, including elks. It's not as if we don't have enough of the little buggers hopping around here...

look - Page 1 of 6,855 results containing roo poo paper (0.10 seconds)

Creative Paper Tasmania - Hand Made Australian Papers

Joanna Gair, manager of handmade paper company Creative Paper Tasmania, says production of 'roo poo paper' only started in the past two weeks but she has been thinking about the idea for some time.

"I've been inspired by the African paper makers who've created an enormous industry out of elephant dung paper," she says. "I thought we needed an Australian version."

Oh, they wash it VERY well....

Now if people are prepared to drink a certain type of coffee, what is wrong with Roo Poo Paper? Come on, the company needs a good song to help promote the product - write it and you may become a RICH Folkie! And you can tell all your folkie friends that you owe it all to sh...


Oh, Clinton, where did you go?