The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3476   Message #17389
Posted By: Wolfgang Hell
11-Dec-97 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Farewell He/She? (Adieu to Dark Weather)
Subject: ADD: Farewell She
Perhaps, but I'm not sure, this is what you are looking for, Lorraine: I found two quite similar songs Farewell He and Farewell She .

Gloranthan songs: Farewell she

Take half a pound of reason and a quarter pound of sense,
A small sprig of thyme and so much of prudence;
Put then all together, love, and you will plainly see,
She's a false deluding lover, let her go, farewell she.

Now fare thee well cold winter and fare thee well cold frost,
Nothing have I gained but my own true love I've lost.
I'll sing and I'll be merry if occasion I do see,
I'll rest when I am weary, let her go, farewell she.

Last night I met my true love in yonder shady grove,
She met me with a smile, she gave to me a blush.
She thought I should have spoke to her as I did pass her by,
But before I humble to my love I'll lay me down and die.

Take half a pound of reason and a quarter pound of sense,
A small sprig of thyme and so much of prudence;
Put then all together, love, and you will plainly see,
She's a false deluding lover, let her go, farewell she.

Source: Jane's Glorantha page
Last Updated: 20 September 1996 Taken directly from the traditional folk song: no changes needed. No particular Gloranthan links, just a lovely tune. On the other hand... it couldn't be about marriage to Inora, could it? And what strange powers do those herbs have?