The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91375   Message #1740074
Posted By: John Hardly
13-May-06 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defining terms: Liberal/Conservative
Subject: RE: BS: Defining terms: Liberal/Conservative
"How do you think he fits into your hypothesis?"

I think he is a true intellectual. And I think there are obviously true intellectuals on the left. Lots of 'em. The question I was merely trying to offer an possible answer to is why there seems to be more intellectuals on the left than on the right.

My guesses were:

1. Maybe there aren't -- maybe it's just a perception here where liberals are in such a large, vocal majority.

2. Maybe it's because pseudo-intellectuals (such as I described them) are counted WITH the true intellectuals, thereby inflating the number.

3. Bright people don't like social restrictions. Liberals offer Sexual, recreational drug, and most other behaviors MUCh greater latitude than do conservatives.

'sall I was sayin'. y'know?