The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91424   Message #1740546
Posted By: harpmolly
14-May-06 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jeb Bush for President
Subject: RE: BS: Jeb Bush for President
OK, correct me if I'm wrong, administration that considers itself exempt from the Constitution and able to act with complete carte blanche...and now they are proposing to put forth a third member of the same family in less than twenty years to run the country. Hmmm...

When did our democratic republic turn into a not-so-constitutional monarchy?

(At least the Brits know better than to let their monarchs actually *run the country* anymore...)

I could stand the Bushes in power if all they had to do was sit in the motorcade and wave. And I'm sure Georgie would look STUNNING in the Queen Mother's pearls. ;)


(getting a bit nervous)