The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91424   Message #1741045
Posted By: Kaleea
15-May-06 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jeb Bush for President
Subject: RE: BS: Jeb Bush for President
So, granpappy sold arms to adolf? when pappy was the decider of the see-eye-ay, he put sadsack insane into office as dictator of eyerack? Who knows what kinda backroom deals were made with whom for oil? & the boys sold arms to sadsack insane? When it was revealed, they paid fines? then pappy was the decider & decided to war on eyerack? then the majur bush famlee biznesses (oil & arms) went into overdrive & pappy made whatall deals with who? then amurica was buddy buddies wif sawdee 'rabeeuh? who'd the boys sell arms to then, I'm a wonderin'? Then it was decided that dubblepew would would be the decider? then dubblepew warred on eyerack? Now we poor folks is payin' almost $3.50 a gallon? The answer is make jebboy the new decider?
uh, whut's chongo the chimp doin these days?