The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91397   Message #1741439
Posted By: Bill D
15-May-06 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: a 1764 view of gun control
Subject: RE: BS: a 1764 view of gun control
sorry, Dave, but the statistics I have seen in recent years do not back you up about 'defending'. Unless you are just plain lucky, the more common outcome is that the criminal has 'the drop on you' and can easily shoot first. The stories about clerks who manage to get off a shot, or homeowners who catch burglers are nice, but ask your local police dept. about the true ratio.

I cannot see how restrictions on production and sales will increase supply....demand for awhile would seem to increase perhaps as criminals strive to 'get their share' of a dwindling supply. Valuble to smuggle? Sure...until the penalties for smuggling get serious and enforcement gets organized. Right now, almost ANY would-be robber or disturbed kid can get guns & ammo pretty easily....often right at home or a friend's house. You REALLY want to keep this situation going in the hope that a few lucky citizens each year will make headlines by shooting the occasional careless criminal?

"In days gone by" is Dodge City and Marshall Dillon, and the stones in Boot Hill will tell you it didn't work very well there, either. In the wild West, a gun was useful, at least, to shoot an occasional snake or wolf, but even then the bad guys usually shot first...from behind!