The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91433   Message #1742726
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
17-May-06 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: The Nightingales Sing
Subject: RE: The Nightingales Sing
M.Schaum- I only presented the song as it was always sung in my youth, by all ages, in schools, homes and slong mountain paths. I made no claim as to possible innenuendos in the lyrics- in fact, no one in those days had such thoughts as yours when singing that song. One CAN interject filth into any group of words, if his mind is bent that way. This does not mean that everyone does it, and certainly this song was never sung by us, our neighbors nor children, to express lewdness or lust. We sang it to celebrate the beauty of our world, the birds calling, streams running, wind stirring the trees, flowers blooming- washed by rain. One could describe any and all of these miracles with a sniggering sexual parallel; others choose to treat them as nature's wonders.

Well, looking occasionally at today's TV shows, movies,even theatre, perhaps the world is changing- perhaps some would say that lust, violence, murder, all life's evils, are all we folksingers now sing about, or have ever sung about since time began. If this is where we've got to, what hope is there for any of us?    Jean