The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91552   Message #1742767
Posted By: Azizi
17-May-06 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: African Music Threads & Posts
Subject: RE: African Music Threads & Posts
BuckMulligan and others,

I started this thread to make it easier for folks to locate threads on the subject of African music.

Locating those threads may be easy for folks who are familiar with Mudcat, and may know how to use the search box on the front page of the listing of current Mudcat threads.

But, there are people out there who are not familiar with Mudcat. And there are folks who may not know how to use that seach engine.

In 2002 qhen a Mudcat member visited my website and told me about this forum's threads on African American secular slave songs, I had to ask him to define what he meant by "threads". And when I first came to Mudcat, I didn't understand that you had to click on the title of the subject you were interested in to bring that discussion up on the screen so that you could read that discussion, and possibly join in that discussion.

The concept of threads may be unfamiliar to other folk. I repeat that it is my hope that this thread helps folk locate discussions on African music. And by increasing their familiarity with threads and posts and hyperlinks [all completely unfamiliar words to me before I "got" what Mudcat was about], maybe these individuals who are specifically interested in the subject of African music, will stick around and and join in other discussions, and-hopefully, join Mudcat and regularly posts on whichever thread they wish to, and start new threads too.

As to whether there will be a quiz on this subject, if you want such a quiz, you'll have to develop it yourself.

And then you can start a new thread and post that quiz there and then respond or not respond to those who like the quiz, or dislike the quiz, or suggest additional questions, or demand that you delete a question, or can't figure out what the heck you are doing, or question your motives, or feel that the quiz is completely or partially relevant or irrelevant.

Hey, it happens to the best of us-and the worst of us depending on whose assessment one accepts or does not accept.