The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91477   Message #1744266
Posted By: robomatic
19-May-06 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Da Code According to Ron & Tom
Subject: RE: BS: Da Code According to Ron & Tom
I listened to "Duh Vinci" Code on tape, and thought it was pretty lackluster, as a radio commentator remarked this morning re the movie:
"A Shaggy Grail" story.

El Greko's comments near the top of the thread match my take on the book. Not being a Christian, I think I can say that Christianity and Catholocism are not under threat, although it is a money making opportunity for the usual foamentators, as well as a laughing all the way to the bank for Mr. Brown, whose earlier work: "Digital Fortress" was a similar treasure hunt of a book which violated the laws of physics in order to advance the thin plot and made me long for the mental depth of "Where's Waldo?"