The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91433   Message #1745287
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
22-May-06 - 07:24 AM
Thread Name: The Nightingales Sing
Subject: RE: The Nightingales Sing
Well thank you, Wilfried, for including me in this delightful thread, if only as the token duck.
Gary an Vera Aspey used to sing a version with the line "for they loved to hear the watter rattle and the nightingale sing".

And, of course the Yetties' "Dorset is Beautiful" had the chorus:-
Oh dorset is beautiful wherever you go
And the rain in the Summertime makes the wurzel bush grow
And it's lovely to see it in the thunder and hail
With your girlfriend, on a turnip clamp, to hear the sweet nightingale.

Geoff the (low flying) Duck.