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Thread #91770   Message #1747596
Posted By: Anonny Mouse
25-May-06 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'An Inconvenient Truth'
Subject: RE: BS: 'An Inconvenient Truth'
LH--you said a mouthful (and headful) there! I have listened while both sides of this environmental coin have waged a rhetorical war for years. Frankly, it is difficult to know who to believe...but I think I'd rather err on the side of those who say it IS a real problem and potential world-wide disaster, than those who don't.

I'm not some "bleeding heart" liberal, or even that much of a Gore fan. But my Dad earned his living manufacturing a fishing lure line ("Red Eye Wiggler"), and got "into" the whole thing of mercury in the waters of the Great Lakes, and water pollution. He was cited by the Sierra Club for his efforts in attempting to raise consciousness of existent and potential problems related to air and water--two things we CANNOT LIVE without! So, at a relatively young age, I was exposed to envronmental concerns, and ecological balances.

That said, from what I understand, the more ice that turns into water not only raises sea/ocean levels, but absorbs more sunlight and thus you get a kind of "Catch 22" effect...which of course, feeds on itself

I'm also no "doomsayer" but this film has me intrigued. I know I can Google myself into a frenzy, but I would rather just watch the thing...and if y'all have seen it, get your input. I really do respect the collective intelligence of this forum, even though some of the B/S stuff can get...uh...bullshitty. ;>)