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Thread #91770   Message #1747600
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-May-06 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'An Inconvenient Truth'
Subject: RE: BS: 'An Inconvenient Truth'
The first I even heard of the film was seeing this thread today.

Are you aware that if the ocean temperature rises a couple of degrees in the North Atlantic, it can cause the Gulf Stream to change and/or lessen its flow? If so, that will deprive the Eastern coasts of North America and most of northwestern Europe to get a whole lot colder in the winter, like a mini-ice age. That could be a catastrophe for hundreds of millions of people. It would be an utter disaster for the UK, for example.

This is a case where a general rise in worldwide temperature leads to shutting down ocean currents which then leads to a drastic cold snap in certain heavily populated areas. Not good.

The rather recent movie "The Day After Tomorrow", based on the Whitley Strieber book, was about that. It was a rather silly movie in some respects, but it had a significant message about rapid climate change.