The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91780   Message #1747843
Posted By: GUEST,Not that guest, not the other one, either
26-May-06 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer
Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer
In order to have a body of knowledge from multiple valid studies, we first need to drop the hysteria surrounding marijuana. For example, just say the word "marijuana" and watch many people flip right out. I DO suggest that, like alcohol and tobacco developing youngsters should not be allowed to use it.

And I suggest that we have more studies, studies that are not falsely motivated and working towards a pre-determined outcome. And when we find out what the risks REALLY are, then we can warn people, just like we do with alcohol and tobacco.

In any event, we should allow its use for medicinal purposes which it has been shown to have for glaucoma and boosting appetites for AIDS patients, and who knows what other conditions.

On a personal note, I have self-medicated with pot on more than a few occasions. I was in the most desperate state of mind, contemplating suicide when I would decide to puff a little. The high gave my mind a rest. And when I came back from the hangover (that would last a couple of days), I saw the world differently. Had I not smoked, I likely would not be typing these words today.

I DO suffer from depression, obviously--it's hereditary--but not schizophrenia or cancer. And most of the people I smoked with in college (and yes, high school) have turned out more or less like everyone else. Indeed, one of my generation ended up as president despite his drug activity.

In life, almost everything has potential danger, and many people have stories. How many people were seriously injured last year from toothpicks, for example? Certainly cars and motorcycles. And bicycles. And all those things are legal. Haven't we discussed in other threads the extent to which we should be "protected" from life's dangers?