The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91780 Message #1747897
Posted By: dianavan
26-May-06 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer
Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer
freda - Can you please unpack this statement for me?
"Firstly, cannabis use is associated with an increased risk of experiencing schizophrenia symptoms, even after psychotic symptoms preceding the onset of cannabis use are controlled for, indicating that cannabis use is not secondary to a pre-existing psychosis."
Does that mean those who suffered from schizophrenia had a previous diagnosis of psychosis?
If so - What this study says is do not smoke cannabis if you've ever been diagnosed as psychotic.
That seems like a no-brainer to me.
I will agree that those with mental health problems should probably be using more appropriate drugs.