The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91780 Message #1748080
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-May-06 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer
Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer
The thing is, people who die early (and smoke)...well, then you can sometimes draw a direct link of cause and effect there...but people who live to "a ripe old age" and smoke...who knows?
We don't know how long they would have lived if they didn't smoke! We can only speculate as to what effect, positive or negative, it may have had on their lifespan.
And no one is unbiased...except those who have no opinion or interest in the subject whatsoever. I know of no one like that, except for the very young...and the deceased.