The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91830   Message #1749066
Posted By: pdq
28-May-06 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: 1,000 British Soldiers desert
Subject: RE: BS: 1,000 British Soldiers desert

You say "the figures you quote are mainly based on deaths attributable to the sanctions which caused malnutrition and other health problems especially among young children."

What crap! Saddam Hussein received about 70 billion in oil revenues in that time period. He used the money to build huge palaces and buy weapons. The numbers I used came from Amnesty Internalional and applied to death by violence. Had Hussein used the money to care for his citizens, young and old, he would still be in power.

Nice that so many can say "I did not support Saddam Hussein" but that means nothing. Empty words. He had to go and we willing to pay the price, in money and lives, to get the job done. As someone said "help or get out of the way". It is time for some of you to use this wasted enegy for positive purposes than sitting at home and criticizing the 'doers' of our world.