The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91830   Message #1749262
Posted By: dianavan
28-May-06 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: 1,000 British Soldiers desert
Subject: RE: BS: 1,000 British Soldiers desert
"No, the US did not support his war on Iran, but we did help Iraq fight to a stalemate when Iran became the aggressors and appeared ready to defeat Saddam and absorb most of Iraq's land and oil, as well as the people (70% are Shiite) into the Islamic Theocracy called Iran."


So you think the U.S. was justified in backing Saddam so that the Iranian theocracy would not gain control the land or the majority of the population who were Shiite?

...and now, with Saddam gone and thousands dead and injured, the Shiite majority rule Iraq. I'd say that was a hop, jump and a skip away from Iranian rule.

So what have we accomplished? Nothing. The plan has back-fired.

If the cause of this war was to secure our supply of oil, then say it. Don't try to tell us that the U.S. wanted to oust Saddam because he was a bad man. The U.S. doesn't care if rulers are good or bad. They just want people in power who will co-operate.

Presently they have made enemies with both the Shiite and the Sunni. The only friends they have are Kurds and because of Turkey, thats not likely to be long lasting either.

Lets face it, the U.S. is out its league. The U.S. has hung itself with its own rope. They forgot the first rule of war: Know your enemy.