The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91830   Message #1749549
29-May-06 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: 1,000 British Soldiers desert
Subject: RE: BS: 1,000 British Soldiers desert
Vietnam has been mentioned in the above threadsand I would like to make a contribution to add to the anti war statements made by others.
During the Vietnam war ,around about 1970 Vietnam veterans opposed to the war came together to testify about the war crimes they had seen or been involved with.This was extremely embarrassing to the Nixon administration which was still pursuing its war aims in Vietnam.....a million civilians were to die or be injured...before the war ended.
The anti war vets testified at a tribunal which was called THE WINTER SOLDIERS......and a documentary was made at the time .I understand that the film has now been re released and its stark message to the youth of America is that the crimes of the US military in Vietnam are being repeated today in Iraq....this week the news has finally reached the wider public about the shooting of 24 old people,women and children by US marines in an obscure Iraqi village.
Is it any wonder that young soldiers are refusing to go to war?