The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91830   Message #1749571
Posted By: GUEST,Albert
29-May-06 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: 1,000 British Soldiers desert
Subject: RE: BS: 1,000 British Soldiers desert
reply to Little Hawk
The criminal act perpertrated by the US and UK govts   has led to the deaths of over 100 000 Iraqi ,women and children
This figure comes from the respected British medical journal THE LANCET published over a year ago with statistics from American and Iraqi researchers.
Those victims
were blown up by bombs and cruise missiles,blown to bits by shells,shot by machine guns and sniper fire or burnt by napalm type firebombs.
According to a US marine newspaper illegal phospherous weapons were used on the people of Fallujah.
There are numerous other war crimes almost too numerous to mention but they include prisoner torture and abuse at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere, the mass punishment of civilians , the destruction of world heritage historical sites and the use of private mercenary units who have been allowed to shoot up civilians with impunity.