The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91881   Message #1750331
Posted By: Bobert
30-May-06 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: No Gun Ni, Mi Lai, Haditha....
Subject: BS: No Gun Ni, Mi Lai, Haditha....
Well, well, well...

Seems there's a pettern here... No wonder Bush wounldn't sign onto the idea of a World Court...

Seriously, folks, isn't it time for the United States to satnd for something a little loftier than allowing itself to become no better than the bad guys??? Seesm that we have become the bad guys,,, No, make that the beddest of bad guys...

I don't blame the troops... This is a cultural issue and it's high time for the United Sates to get of the friggin' low road...