The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91862   Message #1750348
Posted By: Rockhen
30-May-06 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: The meaning of 'acoustic'
Subject: RE: The meaning of 'acoustic'
Hello tequila Sunrise.....!
This is sort-of related to the thread...a tiny bit, at least!... although I am going on about something I have ranted about before...sorry if I bore some of you... as well as my non-electric v traditional accordion...I play the piano....eeeek...shock horror...There aren't many places with a decent piano in them. I have a stage piano which I can use as a keyboard and play nasty loud rock keyboardy stuff. I can also use it through its own speakers to play as though it is a traditional fancy effects just a very simple plain piano sound. At a volume equal or less than a normal piano. I would love to play piano ballads and similar, sometimes, at local acoustic nights...I don't sing loudly and would only be able to play quite quietly, so as not to drown out my very small voice...unfortunately, unlike a traditional piano piano uses ELECTRICITY to make it work....oh, dear...well you can't play that nasty horrible modern thing at our acoustic night cos it just isn't traditional and proper like our lovely guitars...(that we also plug in and use as electric acoustic at open mics...)
It just isn't fair! :-(
PS Thank you to Villan for being open-minded, in my view and allowing me to play my lovely a way I hope is tuneful, not plonky and sometimes...dare i say it, almost his club