The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91881   Message #1750379
Posted By: Bobert
30-May-06 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: No Gun Ni, Mi Lai, Haditha....
Subject: RE: BS: No Gun Ni, Mi Lai, Haditha....
Interstin', Rap, but I think that you are missin' the point I made...

In these days and times if we are going to "out-frame" the folks who are responsible for war crimes we must be willing to take ***their*** language and use it back on them... We have repeatedely been ***out-framed*** and if we are going to stop the next Haditha it is going to be up to us to take up that language that they have used to justify war crimes and turn it back on them....

There is no arguement about inhumaity... It is up to us to make inhumity unacceptable thru whatever ***language*** we need to use to win the batller of the "framing"...

I agree, inhuminty is inhumanity... Problem is that we have had decades of this language and it has lost it's ability to move folks opinions.... The "ad-men" have put study and control groups together and pitched various terms at them to see how they react and then then come up with a "product" to ram down Joe Six Pack's throat...

That product is their "brand" and if we are goingt o disrupt their "brand" then we are going to have to do it by usurping their language... Yeah, no reinveting the wheel... Jus' bent it an' throw it back into the mix...

This is a start... Is is going to change "the culture" overnight??? No, but by using the graoundwork that the war-mongers themselves have used to justify "inhumanity" it's s good start...

Think about it...
