The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91800   Message #1751118
Posted By: wysiwyg
01-Jun-06 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: Why and/or When to Turn Down a Gig
Subject: RE: Why and/or When to Turn Down a Gig
The church does not actually own a music sound system, Pete, so the sound at church is quite cobbled together and we also have no sound tech to adjust on the fly. We will be using our own (new) small sound system at the summer services, which will be outside on the rear lawn this summer starting in late June. We'll probably use it the rest of the summer, too, because using your own prevents a lot of the site hassles that go along with the territory of playing out at gigs.

We have several summer opportunities in the offing, and we'll be sending news out about those to our mailing list to supplement any other local promotion our hosts do. I wouldn't like to comment more specifically until arrangements are complete.
