The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91881   Message #1751174
Posted By: beardedbruce
01-Jun-06 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: No Gun Ni, Mi Lai, Haditha....
Subject: RE: BS: No Gun Ni, Mi Lai, Haditha....

If there have been crimes committed by US troops, they should be investigated, and the guilty punished.

"Show me ONE investigation by the other side about their massacres and war crimes... "

I just note a lack of any desire on some people's part to investigate any of the crimes other than those the US is accused of- thus the lynching. Fifty years ago, it was the color of a person's skin- NOW it is the color of the uniform being worm.

It is the LIBERALS in the US who have established the precedent that a group is exempt from responsibility for their actions, if they are "politically correct", and guilty without investigation if they are in the opposition ( to the liberal viewpoint). Lately, the conservatives have picked up on this, and applied it as well- WHICH I THINK IS WRONG! But the LIBERALS ase the ones who made it a precedent, and US law is based on PRECEDENTS.