The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91881   Message #1751430
Posted By: Rapparee
01-Jun-06 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: No Gun Ni, Mi Lai, Haditha....
Subject: RE: BS: No Gun Ni, Mi Lai, Haditha....
I will not condemn before guilt is proven. I will not rush to judgement.


The US went into Iraq with too few troops and bad, politically motivated, planning. The troops are stretched thin, and because of that they are doing things that shouldn't and probably wouldn't be done if there were sufficient strength. Bush & Co. mandated this, and whatever guilt, for Gitmo, for Abu Graibh, for whatever, rests squarely upon their shoulders.

It is no more leadership for Bush to say, "I'm appalled and this will be investigated" than it was for Reagan to say, in relation to the destruction of the Marine base in Lebanon, "Heads will roll!"

In fact, the last bit of real leadership to come out of the Presidency was when Carter said, "The raid to rescue the hostages in Iran has failed, and I, as Commander-in-Chief, accept responsibility for that failure." And that was damned near 30 years ago.

In my opinion, it's time for the Congress to retake the reins they have meekly handed over to the President and if they will not do so, the people should appoint those who will.