The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91925   Message #1751585
Posted By: Stu
02-Jun-06 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: American aggression - the big bully
Subject: BS: American aggression - the big bully
Now the Americans are saying that their intelligence indicates Iran could have a nuclear bomb within four to ten years - are we to infere anything from this statement?

Now, we don't need to reiterate how accurate this intelligence has been in the past, so is this reliable this time? Who would take the responsibilty for the deaths of innocent people on the basis of this information? Would someone have the courage to take responsibility for the actions of their own servicemen?

More to the point, why shouldn't Iran be allowed nuclear weapons? The US has them, Israel has them - does this mean only people conforming to the US Judeo-Christian belief system can have weapons of mass destruction (unless you already have them, then you back off big style as bullies dowhen threatened with retaliation- think China and North Korea)?