The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91522   Message #1752135
Posted By: JohnInKansas
03-Jun-06 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: anagram your name
Subject: RE: BS: anagram your name
Although it returns 716 word sets as anagrams of my 'cat name, it fails to show permutations of the word order in the sets, hence omitting very nearly all of my favorites that actually made some sense.


It lists: "A ASS HONK JINN"
It does not show: "HONK A JINN ASS"

(So it doesn't make a lot of sense either way, but...

I rather like the "ANNA JOHN KISS" but the imperative "JOHN KISS ANNA" does not appear, which could cause me to miss a great opportunity if I blindly followed the list (depending of course on who's ANNA).

I submit that those who post lists of anagrams should be required to punctuate the ones submitted so that they make proper sense (with flexible grammar, of course).

Some of you may also find more interesting results by running permutations of the words in a few likely results.
