The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92014   Message #1754122
Posted By: Azizi
06-Jun-06 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ageism on mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Ageism on mudcat
I join others in welcoming you to this site and sending you the best regarding your health.

Also, Billy, I'm wondering if you might be ascribing a different meaning to that post than what the poster intended. My read of that post is that it is a mild put down of another person not because of his age, but because of his inability to write a legible sentence.

I personally haven't found problems with ageism in the Mudcat community. I get the sense that many of the people who post here-including myself- are over 50 years. And we hope to get to 70+ years with our physical, mental, emotional health intact. So if we insult a person because of his or her age, we're insulting ourself, or who we will be-God willing-in the future.

My hope is that you give Mudcat a chance. You may find-like I have-that reading and writing posts on Mudcat becomes an enjoyable and interesting pastime!

Best wishes,
