The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92014   Message #1754143
Posted By: Azizi
06-Jun-06 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ageism on mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Ageism on mudcat
I just noted that the post you shared said "I will miss Billy" and that your name is Billy.

I've not followed that thread so I don't know if Keith's post refers to you. Nor do I know which sentence in that Billy's post Keith considered to be poorly written.

But if Keith was referring to you, and you don't consider that sentence or the rest of your writing to be poorly written, than maybe you should 'play pass' it {an American street phrase meaning act like it isn't even there, or didn't happen}. I think that the philosophy behind this attitude is that in order to focus on a 'slight' or an insult-intended or unintended- you have to take power and energy from yourself that could be better spent or placed somewhere else. According to this philosphy, the time and energy that you expend on feeling angry and annoyed at a person who may or may not have meant to insult you, causes you to have less energy and time and positive emotion for other-more important-things. Not to mention it could distract you from being alert and aware in a hostile environment.

And by the way, Guest Billy, I'm not speaking about you personally or of your specific health diagnosis.

I end this post as I did my first post to this thread: I don't hink that Mudcat is a hostile environment. I would encourage you to give Mudcat a chance, and ask that you don't let one thing ruin what could be a pleasurable pass time for you.