The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91963   Message #1755186
Posted By: Micca
07-Jun-06 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: UK Friends of Mudcat - The Future
Subject: RE: UK Friends of Mudcat - The Future
I have just spoken to John Routledge and the state of play at this time is,
a. John is awaiting up-to-date bank statements etc and once they have been audited , an announcement will be made in this thread.
b. we will meet (John and I) in the very near future to discuss the next steps and formulate a timetable and mechanism etc for elections, which will be published here on Mudcat.
c All existing and on-going arrangements, fund-raising etc will continue as is until new arrangemnts (if any) are announced (probably not until after any elections or secondment of new officers).
Many thanks to everyone that has and continues to contribute to, and support FoM
Micca, Secretary FoM