The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92060   Message #1756218
Posted By: catspaw49
09-Jun-06 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom
Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom
Just out of curiosity........Where did anyone ever get the idea this woman is pretty or sexy? She's a scrawny blonde with boney legs, ugly knees, big feet, small tits, a long horsey face, with a wardrobe and make-up from "Whores-R-Us."

Did anyone see the video of the two guys trying to hit her with the cream pies? Classic. They miss but her reactions in dodging and running off reminded me of the little bratty girls in grade school and it showed off the bad bod and bigass feet to their worst advantage.

Really, if the book is a bust and the conservatives throw her out, she has a future as a two dollar whore.
