The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92073   Message #1756885
Posted By: Big Mick
10-Jun-06 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bye Bye Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Subject: RE: BS: Bye Bye Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
As usual both sides here miss the point. There can never be joy in killing. There can never be celebration of a death. I am just as saddened by those who are unhappy about this man's death as I am by those that are happy. If this cruel bastards death is to be celebrated, then would it be justifiable for the Iraqi's to drop a 500 pound bomb on the brig that holds the Marines who it appears killed innocents with intent are in?

I am completely disgusted by a man who would cut off another person's head. I am just as disgusted by a man who would take an M16 and kill unarmed civilians. I am even more disgusted by a man who makes war on a false pretense, unleashes bombs on innocent civilians on the basis of a lie, and continues to try and justify the deaths of our young ones and their young ones on the basis of some phoney justification and poll numbers.