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Thread #92080   Message #1756980
Posted By: JohnInKansas
10-Jun-06 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Digital camera: advice required
Subject: RE: BS: Digital camera: advice required

With a guess at the exchange rate, the prices shown aren't far from what US dealers are showing; but the cameras there are a bit above my current "reality level" so I'm not current on identifying the various models.

I'm very much partial to Canon, based on film experience with them, and the reviewers consistently rate them at or near the top; but they don't make throwaways. Nikon of course is also highly regarded, but again they're not into the "budget" market much.

My current digital is a Fujitsu that 3+ years ago was the best I could get for $200 US (2 Mp) but my daughter recently spent $50 for a 3.5 Mp one (unrememberable brand) that puts it to shame. Thankfully, I've got Photoshop Elements, or I wouldn't get much usable out of mine. (More casual shooters might be happy with what comes out of the camera, but... ) Newer Fuji digitals have remained impressive in the reviews, among lower cost cameras; and I wouldn't hesitate to support choosing one of the newer ones for a point-n-shoot user, but what's available has moved well past what I've got.

If the plans all come together, my next digital likely will be one of the lower to mid tier Canons, but I'm sure there will be lots of new models along before I get there.
