The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92096   Message #1757247
Posted By: chazkratz
11-Jun-06 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: My experience at Midwest Banjo Camp
Subject: RE: My experience at Midwest Banjo Camp
Pat, my memory 'snot that great--the only 'catter I can place in Florida is Harpgirl--I know there were more. I just can't remember who. You're still in Ahia, I s'pose, still making dulcimers--at least I hope you're healthy enough after your latest straining the resources of the healing circle.

And Amos, recovery is coming on apace, without outside assistance. My headache this morning might require Tylenol, but it's not the fault of the fall--It's the fault of my wife and the dog who sleeps between us who together managed to push me out of bed a couple of hours earlier than I intended. They're still sleeping comfortably, of course.

And Art--how great to hear from you, my first Mudcat friend. Do you remember responding to me when I posted the two additional verses I'd written to "Abilene"? And responding to my request for the bluesy song about the Titanic by sending your tape with "Fare Thee, Titanic" on it? Gargoyle had posted the lyrics, but I got the tune from you (and a great feeling of how it ought to be performed). I since discovered that, with different emphasis and tempo I can use the exact same picking pattern for "Brown's Ferry Blues" and Hank Snow's "Golden Rocket."

It's always great to come back to Mudcat for a while--I enjoyed the trashing of that anorexic shit-for-brains Ann Coulter and a few other threads--but I don't have the emotional resources to make a steady diet of the place. Gargoyle seems fine these days, but I can live without the guy named after the guitar makers and a few other poisonous types--It's fun to read as an outsider, but I don't think I can jump in the middle of it any more.
