The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92060   Message #1757274
Posted By: harpmolly
11-Jun-06 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom
Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom
P.S. OK, I haven't actually left yet. ;)

I just wanted to add that statements like the one I quoted above, while reprehensible when directed at absolutely anyone, are ESPECIALLY nasty and egregious when directed at a group of people who, yes, have lost loved ones--and, I dare say, even more so when it has been so public. Ann can bitch all she likes, but saying these things about women who have had the bad fortune to lose loved ones in an event that has shaped the nation over the last five years shows a total lack of class. No, they are absolutely not immune from disagreement, but I'm sorry--anyone who thinks it's okay to make *these particular sort* of statements about *these particular women* has completely lost any claim to my empathy or understanding she might have had. Not that she ever had much.

Does Ann Coulter seriously think that these women would have chosen to go through what they have gone through, the publicity and everything included? She says they should have just "taken their money and shut up." Well, Ann darling, why don't you take your copious royalty checks from the columns and books *you* have sold since 9/11, profiting off the tragedy in your own inimitable style, and shut up yourself? THAT would be cause for a national holiday.


(who really is late now!)