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Thread #91770   Message #1758293
Posted By: GUEST,saulgoldie
12-Jun-06 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'An Inconvenient Truth'
Subject: RE: BS: 'An Inconvenient Truth'
I saw the movie, and I suggest that everyone see it. And then take ACTION! (I guess that since everyone else but the US has signed off on the Kyoto accords, that this mostly applies to us. Also, we use proportionately way more energy and resources per capita than anyone else on the planet.)

In the movie, they answer every "argument" that global warming does not exist or that it is cyclical or that it is not the result of decades of human activity. It DOES exist. The current warming is NOT part of the normal cyclical changes the Earth has experienced. And it coincides perfectly with the period of accelerated human activity starting with the industrial revolution, and escalating through today.

See it; believe it; know it. And ACT, just in case it is not already too late! Wremember that 39% of the world's population lives within 100 kilometers of the sea, and that a whole bleedin lot of them would be under water if Greenland and the ice caps melted, nevermind the other humongous results of the warming.