The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92060   Message #1758620
Posted By: harpmolly
13-Jun-06 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom
Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom
Sought after and coveted? Not by me, Rhymer. And just what is this imaginary duality you are on about? Not so imaginary, in my opinion. Here's the duality I see:

The "Jersey Girls" called for an investigation of the events leading to the tragedy that took their husbands' lives. They then (in disillusionment over an administration that used the tragedy to further their military and political ends) had the temerity to question the administration's handling of its aftermath, and (horrors!) to support the opposing candidate. (In Jon Stewart's unfailingly hilarious words: "How DARE the Democrats field a candidate? And in an ELECTION YEAR?!?!?!?!?!?"...*LOL*)


Ann Coulter, in the midst of what could have been a valid point (whether or not I agree with it, I see what she was saying) chose to use vicious, libelous language and sink to gutter-trash-talking, all in hopes of boosting her book sales. And you are accusing *us* of ad hominem attacks?

If Ann Coulter was standing in front of the Mudcat with a Martin dreadnought (though I see her more as an Ovation gal and's that for ad hominem?) and sang a song with the lyrics, "Those Jersey Girls, yeah, don't you know they'd better spread it in Playboy, yeah, because their shelf life is going down, down, down the tubes..." I'd boo her off the stage. For bad writing just as much as the sentiments. ;)


P.S. I do solemnly swear that this is absolutely my last post to this thread. I'm sort of nauseated by the amount of energy I have wasted on this woman...