The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92060   Message #1759067
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
13-Jun-06 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom
Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom
Ann Coulter has sold well over 1 million books.   This will be her best selling book ever and put her closer to 2 millions books sold.   How many political authors have sold 2 million books?

Over the top insensitive remarks- How about Howard Deam "I hate republicans" "republicans have never worked an honest day in their lives" or Louis Farakan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Micaal Moore, Al Franken, Randy Rhodes, John Kerry, Dick Durbin, or Jerry Springer (to name a few)   I have yet to see any mudcat criticism.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, and most republican leaders have been referred to as Hitler by Democrats.   Name a republican who has called a democratic leader Hitler.   A collumnist suggested Clarence Thomas eat bacon and die of a heart attack.   A cartoon showed Bush pushing an old lady out of a wheelchair.   An NAACP ad accused repuplicans of lyning black people.

All of this is standard practice for liberals.    When you can't debate Coulter in the arena of ideas throw a pie in her face, or at Howowitz, or moon rumsfield.    Show your true intellectual property of a 5 year old.

The biggest difference between Coulter and Moore (aside from 400 pounds) is that Coulter tells the truth and documents it while Moore lies and makes things up and has been caught over and over.

Earth to Ron:   Before you proclaim conservatism dead and Coulters "days are numbered" you may want to look at Amazon or the NY Times best seller lists.   Her book was number one pushing Russert off the top.   Maybe that is what is really pissing the media off. I predict this book will sell over 400,000 copies.   Maybe 500,000 with all the free publicity you liberals are giving it.