The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92193   Message #1759316
Posted By: chazkratz
13-Jun-06 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: English police at it again !
Subject: RE: BS: English police at it again !
As a long-time (though currently inactive) member of the Mudcat Grammar Police, I am appalled by Officer Richard Bridge's qestion:

Please can the police shoot anyone who writes "should of"?

The MGP code requires nothing stronger than mild ridicule for such as the common phonetic error of misplacing the contracted have ("ve) with the preposition _of_ (with which one should not end a sentence). For Officer Bridge's failure to insert a comma after "Please" i recommend ten lashes with a cat-o'-nine-tails; after all, a civilized society demands a higher standard of behavior of sworn officers of the law.

The final clause of the above paragraph should be seen as applicable not only to Officer Bridge, but to the police described in the original post in this thread.

Charles (--seed)