The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70325   Message #1759881
Posted By: katlaughing
14-Jun-06 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: Rex has another new CD-Jack Thorpe Cowboy Songs
Subject: RE: Rex has another new CD-Jack Thorpe Cowboy Song
Well-said, Art! I finally was able to get a copy and here is what I wrote to Rex:

"WOW!! I am delighted and very impressed. I had to put aside the way I had grown up hearing some of the songs, as they were a bit different and my ear wanted them to go the more familiar route. But, after I got that out of the way, I was able to really listen to each part and the whole of each song and poem and it is just the Best. (LOVE that piccolo banjo!) I will be posting to the thread about it on the Mudcat and cannot wait to share it at Poetry night at the library.

"My only regret is that my dad is not hear to listen with me. Listening to you sing Little Joe brought out more tears than it usually does because I so wanted him to be here hearing it, too. I think we requested that one from him more than any other when we were growing up...

"Also, I thought at first I saw some old Will James illustrations in it. (I collect his books.) Then I remembered and read about Ronald. I think Will James would have been proud to claim Ronald's works as his own. There is so much action and pure knowledge in them. Just superb."

I would urge anyone who is interested in authentic cowboy songs to buy this CD and book. It is beautifully done, musically, visually, and scholarly. I am quite proud to say I have met and listened to Rex play and honoured he has shared with us at the Mudcat.

Thanks, again, Rex and Mark!
