The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92210   Message #1760208
Posted By: 282RA
14-Jun-06 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: Review: World music - a white middle class fraud
Subject: RE: Review: World music - a white middle class fraud
All musical labels are frauds, guy.

"Folk music" is as fraudulent as "world music." Why? Cuz ALL music is made by "folks." What music isn't made by some folk somewhere? All music then is folk music. The heaviest, loudest, meanest ripping thrashing metal is as validly a folk music as Pete Seeger singing "Little Boxes."

Same with "alternative music." Alternative to what?? Alternative to Whitney Houston? Well, the Monkees are as alternative to Houston as the Goo-goo Dolls. Jazz is as much an alternative to rap as country is. All music is an alternative to any other music.

Same with "country music." Is there any music not made in a country? If they mean country as in rural, shouldn't it be called rural music? But then rural Japanese music sounds nothing like rural American so shouldn't our country music be called rural American music? But then couldn't early blues be termed the same? And the Canadians listen to the same country stuff we do and play it the same way and are just as good at at it might be offended to be left out so maybe it should be called rural American/Canadian music.

All labels are useless and describe nothing. Why world music is singled out by you for this rebuke is puzzling unless we conclude that you are simply close-minded about world music. Btw, I have bought quite a lot of this world music and I'm not a white or a DJ. I also play quite a lot of it precisely because I hate doing nothing but a straight Euro-centered set. I love bossa nova, Indian and Arabic music, Indonesian gamelan, traditional Chinese and Japanese, Eskimo chants, Tibetan Buddhist chanting, and most African forms.

As for whether your dislike for these musical forms (which borders dangerously on disrespect) is racist or not, well, I guess only you know that for certain--I don't know or care. But you ARE biased against it.