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Thread #92226   Message #1760325
Posted By: Susu's Hubby
14-Jun-06 - 10:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Inconvenient truths for Libs
Subject: BS: Inconvenient truths for Libs
Let's start with the obvious.

1.        Al Gore is presently saying that the burning of fossil fuels by humans is the catalyst that will plunge the earth into searing heat and destruction. That might be the case. It hasn't been proven yet either way. (Personally, I think he's full of crap but I'm no scientist.) What is he doing to stop it? Nothing.

The inconvenient truth that he doesn't want you to know is that he is hopping from city to city burning thousands of pounds of jet fuel and then jumping into gas or diesel burning SUV's or limo's from the airport to the galas therefore possibly contributing to his own demise if things are really as bad as he wants us to believe they are. Maybe he should start leading by example and maybe more people will listen. Or is what's good for the goose really not as good for the gander?

2.        Patrick Fitzgerald has spent many months investigating the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame and has investigated several White House personnel. To date he has indicted Scooter Libby on charges of perjury. What exactly Fitzgerald thinks he lied about is still yet to be determined. The media has basically smeared, tried and convicted Rove and has even commented on wanting to see him in an orange jump suit in chains being walked out of the White House.

The inconvenient truth for liberals, however, is that Karl Rove has basically been exonerated. Fitzgerald has not even tried to implicate Rove as even trying to lie about anything or else he would certainly have had Rove indicted as well. I think someone (or a lot of someones) owes Rove a big, fat apology.

3.        The recent California elections had liberals waiting with baited breath to see the outcome as to claim some sort of victory to show the country that they will once again rule both chambers of congress. But then their candidate, Francine Busby, let slip their true feelings of wanting illegal aliens ("undocumented workers" for the PC crowd) to be able to help and vote. Conservatives all over thank her for stating her party's true position. Her candidacy tanked and Brian Bilbray came away the winner.

The inconvenient truth for liberals, however, the field was cluttered with two other candidates. King, a libertarian, with 1.53% of the vote and then Griffith, and independent with the other 3.72% of the vote. Two candidates which anyone will tell you pulled these votes from Bilbray. It's the same that happened with Clinton-Bush Sr.-Perot election. Perot pulled enough votes from Bush in order for Clinton to be credited the election. If Perot had never entered the race or dropped out prior to the election then we would have never had 8 years of Clinton and her husband. Only this time, the conservative came away the winner. If somehow you want to claim this loss a moral victory then I'm willing to grant you all of the moral victories you want in the upcoming election. That will insure that house, senate, and presidential control will not be in liberal hands for the next several years. (That one's for you CarolC)

4.        John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) is still going around and spouting that the information that Bush, the CIA and the FBI showed to him before the war misled him and other liberals for voting for the Iraq war. Of course that was before he voted against it.

The inconvenient truth for liberals, however, is that it's the same information that was given to them by Bill Clinton and Madeline Albright a year or two prior during the previous administration that was never acted upon. How long will this guy be around? He needs to go back to his McMansion and get his fat wife to get off of her butt and make him a samich.

So see, liberals don't own the monopoly on "inconvenient truths". It just so happens that the ones listed above are ACTUAL truth and not some concocted story continuously repeated as to somehow bring validity to what is being said.
