The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92226   Message #1760681
Posted By: Arne
15-Jun-06 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Inconvenient truths for Libs
Subject: RE: BS: Inconvenient truths for Libs
Susu's Hubby:

[SH]: "The inconvenient truth that he doesn't want you to know is that he is hopping from city to city burning thousands of pounds of jet fuel and then jumping into gas or diesel burning SUV's or limo's from the airport to the galas..."

[Arne]: "Picked that up on or WhirledNutzDaily, didja? Or was it His Emanence Rush that gave you that scurrilous lie?"

Actually Arne, I've been watching the news and reading newspapers and seeing and reading about him flying from one place to the other or getting out of SUV's or limo's at the showing of his picture.

Oh, horse patooties, SH. I can spot (or rather, smell) this RW crapola a mile away. This is one of the current "spin points" being whirled around the RW Meme-O-Sphere. You really ought to consider your Ten Commandments. You've been busted.

I clicked on the link. I didn't even know about that.

Perhaps. As I said, it gets air-mailed around the RW Memo-O-Sphere so fast it turns Fed-Ex green with envy. You heard it from somewhere there; you didn't make it up yourself, so quit lying.

[Susu's Hubby posts the same old list of tired quotes the RW "spin machine" has been floating for years now (and addressed on the 'Cat many a time before) to accompany their plaintive "Well, the DummyCrats all had the same intelligence and thought the same thing! Waugh! Waugh! We weren't the only ones wrong!!!"]

No, the Democrats and Congress didn't have access to the same information (and in fact, I seem to recall that simply trying to get the PDBs out of Dubya waslike pulling teeth and AFAIK, we still haven't gotten them all). Nor did they make the same mistakes, in substance or in extent.

And as I've pointed out here on Mudcat (complete with links to my posts pre-war), I knew it was a crock before the war, as did many others (including Democrats that voted against the war).

Not to mention, saying others are wrong about something (even if true) doesn't make you any righter. But that's just what the Republican party thinks is the proper way to be the "Party of Responsibility". Pathetic.
