The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17819   Message #176098
Posted By: black walnut
10-Feb-00 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: Help: Learning songs
Subject: RE: Help: Learning songs
why do some people find it so much easier than others to remember words? i don't know...i have to work so hard at it. perhaps that's why i think i might have something helpful to contribute to this thread. one of my methods is to write out lyrics of a song using 2 columns, side by side. you basically split the song in half. i don't know how to show you here, but i'll try to explain it. example: 'Another Train' by Pete Morton

I is written under column I. II is written under column II.

I The beginning is now II And will always be. I You say you lost your chance, II That fate brought you defeat, I But that means nothing, II You look so sad......

and so on and so on....

then, you fold the paper in half so as to hide half of the song. you sing the song looking at half of the words, and trying to remember what follows next, until it becomes automatic. and of course, you spend equal time learning it with the other half hidden. this method works for me because i find the thing that screws me up the most when i'm performing is connecting the parts i know to one another, with ease.

reviewing memorized songs while driving is also a big help to me. but nothing beats getting it out in front of a friend or friends for the very first time. scarey, but then you 'own' the song.

~black walnut