The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92210   Message #1761365
Posted By: Azizi
16-Jun-06 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: Review: World music - a white middle class fraud
Subject: RE: Review: World music - a white middle class fraud
Just for the 'record', I wrote and submitted my 16 Jun 06 - 09:14 AM
post before reading most of the exchange from Guest and others about whether the label World Music is racist.

If my assumption is correct that Guest is referring to me when she {or he} wrote that "I notice no one attacked the only known person of color contributing to this forum and thread, who said essentially the same thing I am saying?", then for the record I do have to say that I am in agreement with Guest's position that the World Music label is racist and-probably-classist.

However, Guest, I should clarify that you would not be correct that I am the only known person of color on this forum...There's a few others, and I hope that number grows.

And Guest, you may be aware that there have been a number of "frank discussions of race and class in this forum".

As to whether some people are paranoid about those discussions or not, I wouldn't know. Of course, I've been accused of being paranoid about race, but that doesn't bother me.

And btw, I'm certainly not angry, and I don't sense anger from Guest either {but she or he can speak about that if the spirit moves her or him to do so}.

All this to say, Guest 16 Jun 06 - 09:31 AM, that I appreciate your comments.